Move United / Our Athletes /

Aubrey Jumper

Female with blonde hair wearing a beige top looking at the camera

Aubrey Jumper

"Aubrey has been competing in Track and Field for the past 3 years. She is a member of her high school varsity track and field team as well as the North Jersey Navigators. In the short time she has been competing Aubrey holds 3 gold medals from the 2019 Adaptive Sports Junior Nationals and is the junior national long jump record holder in her classification. Aubrey is a 2019 High School All-American.

In addition to track and field, Aubrey is an honor student, has sung opera at Carnegie Hall, holds a district chorus ranking and has been a facilitator for International Junior Leadership. Aubrey hopes to have a successful track and field season and to attend the 2021 Move United Junior Nationals as well as accomplish her long-term goal of becoming a of Paralympian."


  • Track and Field


  • Mountain Top